Success Stories

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“While striking such a pose is ill advised at such heights and never for the faint of heart, I nevertheless felt compelled to try.  It’s great to have balance and flexibility again!  After nearly 40-years in the Army, two combat deployments and soon to turn 60, I’ve had my share of thrills and spills.  From broken toes to plantar fasciitis, both knees scoped, back injury, sprains, strains and automobile crashes I needed to do something.  I was a wreck!  So, when my very proficient chiropractor recommended a Rolfing series with Kelly I figured hey, let’s give it a try and I committed to the 10-series.  It didn’t take but a few sessions to start seeing an improvement in balance, which brings me to the Karate Kid pose on top of a mountain in the Highlands of Iceland.  I now have restored balance and confidence in movement that I have sorely missed over the last ten years.  I look forward to the next ten!”  

— Bob B. 

“I originally sought out Rolfing to help relieve chronic arthritis in my neck and back, and an ongoing pain issue from tendonitis in my wrists resulting from years of computer work. When I discussed Rolfing with my PT, she expressed her belief that where Rolfing works on the whole body, and not just my “problem areas,” that I could truly benefit from the work. I have recently finished the 10 Series with Kelly and have been extremely satisfied with the results. Since beginning, Rolfing has helped manage the chronic neck pain and the tendonitis pain in my wrists has disappeared. More subtle, yet no less beneficial, I have experienced benefits in other areas as well. I have been practicing hot yoga for several years now and for the first time in class I feel more centered, grounded and balanced. I have really been able to “feel my feet!” I feel overall more in tune with my body and would not hesitate to recommend Kelly for anyone who is recovering from injury or seeking to maintain general wellness.”

— Laurie D.


“I started seeing Kelly after my shoulder surgery for a torn labrum. Following surgery, my shoulder became frozen and I could not lift my arm up more than 45 degrees. With no knowledge of what exactly Rolfing was, I was skeptical but I was willing to try anything to get my arm moving again. The Dr. said it could take years so I was leery of anything providing a quick fix. PT had done nothing but take me backward in healing. After my first visit with Kelly, I was completely at ease. She made me feel very comfortable and was hopeful for recovery in my shoulder. I was shocked that after that first visit, I saw progress already. After a couple of months, I could lift my arm over my head. There is still damage there and Kelly works on me now about once a month, but I am shocked at how far we have come in a fraction of the time the Dr. predicted. My visits with Kelly leave me feeling elongated. I find my posture better, I am more conscience of how I sit in my car and I have far less issues with the herniated disc in my back than I ever had. When I try and explain to friends what Kelly does for me it is often hard to explain. I describe it as deep tissue/fascia work that leaves me feeling well balanced and completely exhilarated. She is nothing short of a miracle worker.”

— Loren M.


“My first visit with Kelly was both exciting and nerve racking. I didn’t know what to expect. Kelly welcomed me with a smile and explained Rolfing and how it might be able to help me. After initial intake, Kelly did a preliminary assessment, noticing my posture, alignment and movement. After a few sessions with Kelly I noticed how my posture was slowly improving. I am extremely happy with Kelly’s work and would recommend Rolfing to anyone who wishes to have better posture, alignment and increased flexibility.” 

— Cynthia C. 


“I have not only been a Rolfing client for more than 15 years, but as a Clinical Assistant Professor at Boston University’s School of Dental Medicine, I created a course to help students deal with the work associated pain that comes from doing dentistry. After years of my own work associated pain, I was fortunate to discover Rolfing. I found that the philosophy made sense, the science behind it was sound, and it was the only thing I tired that provided me with relief and benefit. When I move to NH, I found Kelly. She is wonderful, highly competent and with a comforting manner. Most importantly, she has helped me a great deal. I recommend her enthusiastically.” 

— Dr. Daniel M.


“I have had serious neck issues as well as shoulder pain and nerve pain down my arms for a number of years. For years I have told many practitioners that it stemmed from my back shoulder area. I have had excellent practitioners including Chiropractic, sports medicine, deep tissue massage, PT and have had cortisone shots. All have “helped" but sadly only temporarily. After eyeing Rolfing for years I finally decided to try it and I can't say enough about Kelly and her practice. My shoulders and neck move more freely then they have in years! Hands down, incredible. Kelly's approach is planned after a lengthy discussion with you. Each session begins with a re-evaluation from the previous one. Kelly is careful to check in with regularly you as to the intensity of the treatment. I stand straighter and walk more upright and experience greater freedom of movement. Kelly is highly skilled at what she does and is truly passionate about her work and the results. I can't recommend her enough.”

— Pam B.


“I came to Kelly a little over a year ago after an arthroscopic hip surgery and partially torn rotator cuff. While I had reached a certain level of recovery in both areas, I felt there was room for improvement and further recovery. Through Rolfing my alignment improved and there was a reduction of pain in my areas of concern. Kelly has an excellent understanding of body mechanics and a firm yet gentle touch. Not only is Kelly a skilled Rolfer, she also has a lovely way of connecting with you as a client and as a person!”

— Catherine G. 


“I initially went to see Kelly for 10 sessions of Rolfing in the hope that she could fix a long term problem with the muscles around my hip. The results were better than my wildest expectations. As the sessions progressed, instead of fixating on whether my hip hurt or not, I started to enjoy just being in my body and the possibility of movement. It was like mind, body and spirit were coming together. My breathing deepened and felt like velvet. I slept better than I had in years. It even seemed like I needed less food and had more energy. In the end, I stopped thinking about whether or not I had a hip problem and now, months later, I’m starting to think it might be gone for good. Overall, I feel better connections, both within myself, and with friends and family. I believe Kelly is a skilled healer. She brings to her practice both a sound theoretical knowledge and intuitive sense of how to smooth out problem spots within the body. I highly recommend her as a Rolfing practitioner.”

— Carolyn M. 


“I had a knee replacement in 2015 which resulted in a loss of flexibility and balance.   After Rolfing with Kelly, I saw immediate positive results in increased flexibility and better overall balance and posture.  My visits now help me stay in tune with my body since I am an active person who loves to walk, bike, and play golf.”

- Bob R. 


“It can be frustrating trying new things to see what will possibly work for your individual situation. As I began my Rolfing journey,  I used it as a learning experience to get to know my body better. I intuitively knew what I needed but simply thought it was not possible. When I first researched Rolfing, I had a strong feeling it might help me. During my first session I learned so much. My second session changed my life. No more was I walking like a stick figure. I got off the table and had the swag back in my walk.  This in turn gave me the momentum I needed to MOVE!!  Once you start to feel better it propels you to make some positive health changes to help further the process. Kelly is fabulous. Kelly knows her “stuff” and she genuinely cares. I recommend Rolfing hands down as a must try if you are experiencing any physical pain or immobility.”

— Mary Lou M. 


“Freedom is the best word to describe my Rolfing experience…freedom from pain, freedom of movement, freedom to extend my body in ways that would not have been possible before treatment. Rolfing has enabled my body to move in more comfort and ease than before. I would highly recommend Rolfing to anyone who is experiencing limitations in their movement.”

— Debbie A. 


“I came into Rolfing with general stiffness, some pain and generally feeling pretty old for 50. I noticed several shifts during the process and ultimately felt much “looser” by the time we completed my series. I can not more around more freely and am more aware of certain movement patterns that were contributing to my stiffness. Kelly was very focused during our sessions. I could tell she had a good handle on anatomy and the human body. Kelly is a good listener, observer and intuitive.”

— Gwen F. 


“I have just finished my 10 Series with Kelly. I feel less tension in my body; I am more relaxed and “grounded” as I walk and I’ve noticed that my right foot (which always seemed to splay outwards) is straighter. My posture has improved and my range of motion, especially in my shoulders and neck is better. I highly recommend this practice and believe it can help both physical and mental stress in almost anyone. I was a little cautious about signing up, because I had heard that Rolfing could be somewhat ‘rough,’ but I found that Kelly is very sensitive to her client’s well being. Although there is some discomfort as she gently manipulates connective tissues, I always have enjoyed the sessions and felt safe and secure in her expert knowledge.”     

— Leslie V.


“It took me a couple of sessions to really start to grasp the full extent of what was happening. It was like all of my body’s supporting structures (fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones) were all being melded back or opened up to where they were the healthiest, most functional and certainly most comfortable. Everything seems more aligned. My yoga practice had a growth spurt as my balance/strength improved rather dramatically. As I completed my series with Kelly, I realized she was giving me an overall overhaul of how to be in my body in space with new intention and kindness. Many people have made my physical/mental/spiritual journey more pleasant despite my continued obstacles. Kelly is one of them. She is going to make many, many, many people feel better, healthier and more comfortable in their bodies. Of that I am certain.”

— Stuart C. 


'Kelly explains the process as well as the goal of each session, which is so helpful when you have pain, you realize you have an ally. She is very intuitive and zeros in on how to effectively treat you. I feel better after every session!’

— Ariel G.